Deper, who makes the poles

Character opinion:

Deper views the world as being made of poles through which things can be modified in a similar manner to Malu, since they both take to different concepts and can work well together, Deper believes the poles interact through different stylisations of objects and their utility.

The overall use is modifying objects such that they resemble the defined pole.


Using poles is qquite simple, it provides a measure from which to alter an object towards the appearence of that pole, for example making an object more positive involves removing problems with the object, while making them more negative means adding more issues with the object. However poles are not solely based off the things called good and bad, but also anything in existence. For this reason the artistry of the subject is how it is formed and how it is made useful or otherwise in accordance with the desired pole.

An essential science:

The usage of this polerisation is best described as taking the details of an object and modifying themm towards some predefined appearence or ability not present except in the mind, uuntil made manifest in the reality. 

If one had a mirrorr and felt it caused too much vanity, one would look less often in the mirror to avoid being vain. 

If one had a painting, they would damage it to make it worse if they wanted to disimprove the painting as a utility in a world.

If one had a book, but felt that it required more fae and less dragons, they would skip the parts with the dragons, or purchase a more fairy related book.

It is quite simple to use, and quite useful for manipulating stylism of the object and the concept its related to.

Another use is in magic, where one can percieve that certain forms of plants are more positive or negative and/or stylise and thus pole their wand towards a certain theme, rather then one of unspecific nature.


Most of deper's symbols represent differences in polarity, rather then explicitely any specified meaning and thus each simple reflects that, their is an overall meaning, because the meanings can be diverse, as the symbols themselves create poles, just as much as the object in question.

Since anything can be a pole.


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