Metaphysical Comic


Below is more context and a utility for this topic:
  1. A model of Deper's mind.
  2. An example of an object with a fire polarity.
  3. The idea that the information is transfered from reality to mind
  4. Explained through conversion of real data into mental models
  5. The question of how manipulation works in counter direction
  6. Conclusion that connection travels in one direction through conversion
It's usefulness springs from the manipulation of poles, in which a mind can deny entry, manipulate entry or accept entry of a pole connection, such that their are atleast three forms of utility in the converter between mind and matter aswell as matter and mind.

This means the example can be argued as being a fire pole, denying it is and manipulating it to be an earth pole instead. This suggests the converter is free of its effects, rather then constrained to its supposed rules. Their may even be more then these basic interpretised conversions.


  1. A model of Malu's mind.
  2. The idea of gaining information from books.
  3. The denial of a connection between language and meaning, thus asks how mind can learn from others.
  4. Suggesting the passing by of ideas in an external space, which enter cognition.
  5. Explains that mind functions as coordinate system, searches similar ideas when encouraged.
  6. This explains both misunderstanding and difference of opinion, due to different coordinates.
The idea is that their is a universal geometry of mind, or similar to the planet different but stable locations, which can be well or baddly communicated and that the mind can be explored through explanation or discovery.

It is useful for both understanding why language does not always match ideas and why their is numerous ideas and difference of opinion, Malu thinks a better form of coordination ( outside language ) could be developped for seeking out ideas, rather then attempting definitions without knowledgable basis.

Thus she concludes man still knows nothing.


  1. Model of Mac's mind
  2. Model of physics system he created
  3. Idea of reality with model - magic, suggests models are absentine
  4. Thus this means that the reality is not matched at all times with thought
  5. That reality inspires thought from real substance
  6. That is often unseen consciously but unconsciously and results in eventual cognition
Mac thinks his reality is seperate from his mind and thus the  existence of its propositions are inspired by the outside world through subconscious notation before being brought up when relevant to subjects of more complex thought.

For this reason he beleives the subconscious knows more then his consciousness but is less able to process that awareness towards more indepth ideas, it notes things around it, but fails to meet the level of cognition his awareness knows.

His own thought on the subject was preknown, but not acknowledged until he cognitised it in his minds awareness rather then slumber. Exclaiming that this is the reason he knows how dream worlds work, even when they are different.


  1. Model of Roro's mind
  2. Qualia are attached to Plor, plor is external and effected by light, qualia is self imposed.
  3. A substance of some kind must have a plor effect, which is effected by light.
  4. Energy effects this substance through light which is altered accordingly
  5. Altering perception of plor is an alteration of that substance, either external or internal.
  6. The most stable form of this alteration is astral projection
While this substance may be unknown or may be DMT, it is unclear how safe that is so I do not condone its use. Astral projection can produce diverse effects similar or assimilar to what could be imagined by drug use. For example I once had a dream less about reality and more like spinning 4d colors.

But its relevance to Roro, is its replication, which surely if possible through mental emulation has a similar equivalent in existence and can be accessed through study on either end of that projection, a complex circumstance, but of Roro's interest none the less.

The tip i can give on that subject is, recognition and comparison.


  1. Model of grims mind
  2. Effect of other universes on human population
  3. Popularity is a measure of universe proximity
  4. Effects construction of systems in the surroundings
  5. Speaking linguistics alters universe position in self attraction
  6. Information on universes is stored in schisms from other universes
This can be a useful property for finding other parts of the world, through studying the different memes surrounding or outside a culture, as popularity only accesses what is in proximity, while actual exploration extends beyond it through self seeking. The ability to use different memes in interaction produces similar or assimilar universes

The ability to demonstrate and encourage its manifestation encourages its spread in that domain of existence, while it is unclear whether the memes are actual universes or the forms of those universes in cognition, it is clear they have extra-person effect. The ability to manipulate them through popularity or inversion is highly useful for universe recovery.

For example, creating a world and having complete rejection results in inversion, this inversion stores the information for recovery in its own inversion, the best example of this is theism and atheism which provide a means to recover each other through the other.

Common universes currently active are the scifi and fantasy universes.


  1. Model of Sala's mind
  2. Notation of the completed theory, but noting that it is incomplete eternally
  3. Defining the thing beyond mind as the selected self
  4. Noting the ability to change the self according to any decision
  5. Explaination of self as storage of ideation, while mind passes by rejection
  6. Notes multiple modes and summarises explorer mode as an option.
The ability to construct mind models permits the utility of adding or decreasing ability and the utility is in the self selection of those mental models which reflect the way to create new oppertunity and effect, each summarised mental  model provided a different interaction and this interaction is its own application.

Each perceptive interpretation manifests a different effect and the result is a different mode of interaction, several can be used at once as the example above shows, as each takes up a different geometric spacein selection or other and can be modifed daily or any time.

Exploration provides several optional choices to explore rather then debate or select solely and can be entertaining in large or small portions.

Mac and Roro

  1. Model of Roro and Macs mind
  2. Question of how information is transfered between reality and plor percepts
  3. Suggestion that its transions like deper said, but with addition of "color"
  4. Contents of "color" best described as features of drawing #4
  5. Notes the semi-equal of Physicality with Mental plor
  6. But then follows with the non identical nature of plor with property, comparing plor to seen and property to other things ( such as absorbtion )
Using this information one can destinguish two concepts from each other more clearly, plor is a visual stimulus while property appears as an effect, such as motion or absorbtion, it is visible not through plor but between plors interaction. Suggesting a sort of extra ploric sense, not relevant to either Plor or property.

Yet this second vision is not as present in plor, or in the theoretics of Macs ideas and would require someone else to explain, whom would take interest in this second sight.

For this reason a unified theory of perception cannot yet be attained.


  1. Malu's model of the mind
  2. Reminder of her initial question
  3. Response to initial question as a useful tool
  4. considering level of interest
  5. responds with meh
  6. before sending a secret and to be revealed email to someone else


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