Roro, The one who plors sight

Character Opinion:

Roro beleives that different objects harbour two kinds of perceptual detail called qualia and plor, they behave seperately ( one in qualities given and the other in actual quality ) for this reason she has reason to beleive that while some plor and qualia are similar their is a distinctive difference between the appearence of different things that is wholly unrelated to the process of property, which controls its behaviors.

These perceptual features are present in all the senses, and can even interact due to synesthisia, meaning certain people have extra-natural senses, which could be defined as a form of qualia modification. What is interesting about the plor is that it is unlike the qualia in one way, while qualia is a form given to the plor, plor is stable and sensorically universal. As such Roro beleives that all 5 senses permit the same information on the object.

For this reason, Roro beleives that while a  blind person cannot see, the information gained from sound and touch describe the object in essentially the same way, but through a different input ( since all straberries look, feel, smell, taste and sound the same, and are the product of their own specific pair of ploric and stable features of the actual object outside perception.

This is why one can judge something sharp from sound and sight, without touching it. However their is one thing that it cannot do, this is called sense of it, but it is entirely possible to convert these essentiall concepts into other forms of input. The already commonly known example is sign language wich converts sound into visual motion and imagery. Yet, a machine able to detect color and convert it to desired sound, would function very well in destinguishing color for the blind. 

While the shape can easily be understood through touch.

For this reason, Roro has taken an interest in the study of the sensory experience, rather then the Stimules of an object.

One of her prime interests is destinguishing different aspects of the senses, through other senses. She has noted a subtle difference in sound based of color, but is having trouble remembering the difference as would be expected.

Metaphysics of Plor

Certain metaphysical properties can be ascribed to the idea of plor, in the sense that plor is composed of three universal details defined as:

  1. Shape
  2. Color
  3. Sheen
She acknowledges that their is also properties ( stimules ) but they are less of her interests.

She notes further that these properties are based off smaller component details inside the large componet detail, which is how they differentiate. However she does not know how they form as this is likely related to the property in a fashion indirect to her or her friend who follows her in this blog because it is an aspect of either.

For this reason she cannot more then that it is difficult because it lacks predictability, due to shapes being fittable in each following shape of larger size, much like a snowflake extends to the pile of snow.

However she knows that the modification by size creates the modification by wich plor is made unique and for this reason she follows with her practicality, in which she studies the ability to recreate the colors, shape and sheen of objects through other objects at varying scales.

Which she would demonstrate in a defined discussion on this blog, but it is a visual concept and thus better left on video while here she discusses its prevelance in linguistics by creating a simple language alteration and font alteration, to show a simple example of the difference of plor.

Thus this is her study:

Sciences of Plor:

For this we will create a few basic linguistic variations, to formulate a simple new language, but we will not base it off any particlar language and rather create a simple language that sprung from invention and font alteration ( with letter variation )

Language is often formed from three basic concepts:

  • Verb
  • Whom
  • What
As such these will be strung together in a simple order:

Whom What Verb

A simple alphabet will be created below, with only 10 letter:

  1. a = f
  2. b = e
  3. c =7
  4. d = 3
  5. h = #
  6. k = g
  7. o = W
  8. y = b
  9. u = !
  10. e = r
A basic sentence to this language would be:

Me House Live
It would be pronouced:

a yoe ko
it would be spellt:

f bWr gW

Symbols of image:

The eye

Perception and the senses.

The three stones

The difference of different plors.

The three trees

The change of plor in time.

The lake

Reflection or sheen.

The camera

Imitation of sheen.


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