Dan, Verge and Ren

These are the passing thoughts I have encountered or discovered in depth across the first few days of living and the later memories of their events and interaction, they are not that which is the full of mine defined existence or lack thereof.

It is made a different format, to producce a different effect and explore the relevance revealed after the character's introductions. Symbols lay at the end seperate, rather then with their practice and perspective and divided from the metaphysics wich shall spring not of single but of all three.

These were the 2nd, 3rd and 4th character to be present in me.


Character opinion:

Dan views the world as a place of deaths, where the  act of conviction is the tool of that death, which reveals both the truth of the world and the act of self transformation through its change of self to that of someone who is more right then the other. For this reason his view is all about debateand being the wisest, so that he is ruler of death and convictions. He views this tool as the means of both successful control and the only way for life to be, is that truth of the master debater.

Organised debate:

Dan views the world as the competetion to be the most right and the best at seeing what is true from what is not true, for this reason he seeks the best argument he can and measures them according to how convincing they are for others, in relation to those interested. Thus he concludes that while debate is vaastly important for truth, he avoids those uninterested who choose to remain in ignorance of reality.

He hosts debates and in them they debate the entirety of subjects unfalsifiable to discover the absolute truth of the matter in relation to the one most beleived by the people there. The goal is to come to an agreement and thus know the full of the truth.

He knows one more thing of it, only those desiring this can attain that truth, because those who seek not the truth, do not take part in it, he also knows that even they may be decieved, for this he has suggested secondary debates, but they are not the same.

A final note, Dan's position is that he lives in hell.


Character Opinion:

Verge views the world as undebateable, without conviction and without incompletion and for this reason he beleives it  is entirely possible for things to work out in complete disagreement, through greater ideas then those of the disagreement which can be made impossible to resolve through sticking to ones position, Verge doesn't disbeleive and values the right for any position in compatibility, for this reason he can accept his own position of undebate with the position of debate and could even make arguments for either if he wanted to. 

Application of works:

In a debate, Verge would take the superior position beyond that of either perspective and provide the measure required through a solution ambiguous to either position, for example in the context of the positions:

  • God does exist
  • God doesn't exist
Verge would state that:

  • God chooses to not exist through mans creation or lack of him.
This provides multiple possible compatible interactions outside the one that is entirely disagreed, because they are one the verge of either. They provide a functional soliution to the disagreement and something to be advanced from.

Thus they can be of use in his personal beleif that it is heaven.


Character's Opinion:

Ren disagrees with either proposition of her friends, because she actually agrees with both as she views the average concept of either in relation to what is defined by either, for this reason she see's the world as an average of everything else, where its all normal and conceptually created in accordance with the averages of something else, she knows that these are two arguments in convergence, she states that it is never normal and normal and concludes its an average.

For this reason she creates something undebateable and true, that essentiallised from the full normal of either.

Utility of the average thing:

Her interpretations of what is and is not is average conceptions of the either, for this reason her perspective is rather quite extra-terrestrial to the conventions of common and uncommon thought, transietn to the convention of what is and is not. For this reason it is better defined as an example then an explanation, as she will provide now:

  • Dan thinks he lives in hell
  • Verge thinks this is heaven
Ren would take on the average and say:

  • It is that that is the living and after, from which the pains and pleasure eternal
Further examples would be:

  • Dan thinks currently that God is non-existent and burning like all others in hell.
  • Verge beleives that God is existent according to the creation of him in man and women.
Ren has take to percieve this as:

  • God grants the eternal wish of his and his own lack of creations to that of any degree.
For this reason she see's existence as the undebated truth, without wich their is only that and within which their is a plentity of distinction without comparison. The average, that is assundered from the knowledge forgotten or defined, but still yet known.

That email sent from Malu:

Dear Dan, Verge and Ren

Could you use your abilities to create something of use with the many models of mind beyond the certainty, undebated and average that could be of great interest and of a novel relation to the most recent idea you've explored, aka sense unsense utility, i think the attached comics could be of relevance.

Sincerly, Malu.

Sense and Unsense definition:

Ren, Verge and Dan have worked on an idea recently different from primitives, which they have termed Distortions. These distortions are more like extra-sensory perceptions that are not defined by the outside our inside of an object, but rather the lack of that detail entirely.

For this reason they are as using a computer, but it is literally a rock with no particular specialty and could likely be called the most insane of the insane.

Ren, Dan and Verge did not have an explanation for its possibility until they recieved Malu's email. As such they will advance it further through their trichotomic group perspective.

Relevance of each comic to the circumstantial perspective of each character:

Dan views this as the removal of the actual pole and has been the common attempt of each man, arguing that before nature their were other forms, from which the full of existence rejected for the the things called history.

So much so that they can not see the full of it, until they rememeber them in the remainder of their extra-natural properties. For each thing can be revealed as its actual form through the properties of poles itself and their is no reason for the denial but that of rejection of the truth.

Verge views the poles as an example of realities own ability to sustain any completed perspective, the result is a manifestation of the full of Verge's reality, in the minimal artistic form that relates to any specific perspective.

He suggests that the poles provide a means of stylistic alteration and the verge of solutions allow for things that appear as multiple things in relation to each other, thus any perspective is correct in relation to the other, due to difference in perspective.

Ren looks at the average of this and concludes that the poles are the essentially artistry of a persons landscape and can be defined as the thing which they are in tune with the most in relation to themselves. So their is not relative perspective of debate or truth, only the one of existence.

For this reason she argues not and does not work at the verge of it, but that the poles are relative to the self that beholds them and provides extra sensory means of altering the essential object of itself, through wich the object is completed as it is and not in verges of that that someone else adds.

For this they take the full of their perspective an apply it as addition to the idea of poles:
  • The old worlds poles were different from that of the novel landscape made of its alteration.
  • The difference of perspective in the poles can be shared as higher knowledge of poles.
  • The essential features one describes are fully seperate from that of another relative perspective.
It's use in Distortion is the means by which a pole is unlike the one described, such that any specific concept can be made identical to something it is not and appear as another pole.

Dan thinks the reason for languages incompatibility with mind and the reason none csan fully understand each other, is because it is to aid in the burning, and function as a means of distress for people to argue constantly, and be unable to reach agreement.

He suggest an acceptance of misunderstanding of the measure of language, through which the gibberish of the old world is revealed for what it has always been, complete incoherence of nonsense, in relation to other concepts irrelevant.

Verge suggests that it is possible to understand another on the verge of his claim and that of Dan at a minimum, suggesting that the gibberish Dan refers to is linguistic divergence and thus a seperate sentence in the structure of that thing called language.

Verge thinks that the lack of understanding is the inability to accept another term into ones language and thus the inability to accept the linguistic difference of someone, rather then the idea of complete incomprehension, he denies the idea of blending that language, prefering its verge above.

Ren averages these concepts out for the means of language as something to be defined and as an unfinished project of man to descfribe the complete reality as something other then just what one says but rather something any few state.

She see's not the verge of language as the answer, but rather then novel difinition added to the language that is not the part that is anymore understood, but rather the part that is extended from that first step in language as difference of communication.

Thus their full conclusion is:
  • Language is meant to be fully misunderstood.
  • The verge of our words sustains the undebateable.
  • Different words mean in relation different things.
Its relevance to the distortion is that incorrect language use, is the key to a novel paradigm outside existence.

Dan argues for the lack of truth and the inability to grasp at any form of certainty in what someone or the self claims, their is no reason to beleive any of it, because it is all a lie made of the substance as it is with addition of an imaginary principle, which can be construed in whichever direction but is never the completed truth because it lacks validity beyond ones beleif of it.

He states that these things should be built off what they are, not what they are claimed to be and thus they should not call tree's trees but as the worms they are, without which the full of that truth cannot be completed, because it is not an accurate description of the object.

Verge takes to the opposite of Dan's claim first, stating it is of whatever perspective desired and that in turn it is able to be a worm, through the imagination and its application on reality, which provides for any person whom asks for the way.

He suspects that the limitation that Dan puts in place is not the undebateable because it can be argued against and for this reason it is one of the two keys required to open the door, because it is always in the difference that more truth is sustained at higher knowledge.

Ren takes the average of the physics of either friend, she applies it carefully and concludes that Verge and Dan speak of the same awaited average, the knowledge they seek is always what they look for and thus it is not of the same flavor nor same concept, this is a required rule.

She states that the difference in one perspective is the way they want that definition and the way forward is neither, because it sustains only themselves and not the full of either, which is the average function of existence, to sustain the existence of itself.

Thus their perspectives add up to:
  • Their is no truth, only the imagined lie of oneself
  • Their is only the verge of those two that have been stated
  • Their is solely that that sustains either in the average
This can be applied to distortions, as a means of interaction between the object as is and the object it is not, to provide a bridge between.

Dan states most clearly that if existence is based off halucination then their is two things problematic of it, the first is that existence is a lie, an is not the actual form of it and two the above perception implies the existence of a completely living system that we cannot percieve below each potential object.

He states simply that all misfortune is the action of another being outside perception and the result is simply that beings ignorance of its own effect, that the effect is completely innacurate to who it effects and that the entire existence is rigged for suffering.

Verge disagrees with this view in a half sense, suggesting rather that not all layers of the object and hallucination are living and that they are not in relation to that that is percieved, because man does not have effect on the full of his world and not all events are suffering in the existence.

He states very evidently that the perspective of person is the mixture of the living and not, that the actors live where and how they move, while the percieved objects unmoving without source are not of the living but merely aspected objects.

Ren takes to another perspective, she averages these two perceived measurements and succeeds at finding that Objects are shadows of the motions of other beings and not the completed thing, they do not represent the same role of another thing in the hallucination.

She states that the bird in the stone has already flown by but it is seen as a stone here, where it is unmoved and untouched except in its will or lack of, on the thing that it is not, where communcation is in will, rather then in full of that thing. You cannot touch the man across the street, merely pass fingers over the air.

Thus the perspective is unlike, but like this:
  • All things are living and effected by each other with consequence.
  • There are not only the living in existence but the never living.
  • The will is the key to arriving at the shadow of something else.
This provides the essential measure for what is distortion, it is the measure of the object as some other portion of its existence, and thus any portion of existence.

Dan thinks their is only more hell in the external world, he thinks these places are sealed up so we can't access more of our pleasures and pains in this space and so we are limited to what is here and thus must use what is not without it being.

He suggests the ability to attain these distortions is another way we can suffer, through the use of what is not there as something that is there, Dan is pleased with the measure of that that he has discovered and reasons that it is so for the good of all things.

Verge disagrees that the distortion brought on by other worlds is actually a problem when invisible, because each plor and thus each concept can be attained without exit of the world, which harbours no more or less then its full, but exists as part of its extension.

He states that the distortion is access to that that is not yet, within that that is completely present in existence, he suggests that the use of worlds be their completed shape and thus the completed shape of that verge that sustains the existence as a measure of what is working together.

Ren thinks that the external worlds, which are not seen in the perception are interactible through their lack of existence in this place, providing several more angles of interaction then the 3rd dimension which restrains existence to a specific angle.

This she thinks permits far more complex invention then using the plors we see alone, without the effect of the plor we will to have as an effect in our constructions, and the further study of how to make these extensions in reality is solved mostly with size.

Thus their conclusion is:
  • We are limited to one world of infinite
  • We are able to use the functions of many things in tandem
  • The use of multiple distortions creates more ability for something
This is a useful application of Distortions.

Dan thinks that our mind is full of other mentalities because our awarenesss doesn't belong to us but is actually a set of instructions given to us by other beings that we must obey as it hangs above us like a carrot on a stick whose appearence is so delicious we salivate at the sight of it.

Dan admits thus that his end is that and he will forever more see existence as hell because the poisition is certainly an accuraate one, where he has the truth that explains all phenomenon simply because  it is clearly written in his mind, which shifts and shakes at sights it either accepts or does not.

Verge takes to the idea that not all people crave what they want, this means that some actually go for other things then solely their desires and they are not defined as something in heaven or in hell, but rather of a different sense entirely, brought on by the mind.

Verge therefore states that just because someone is able to stand in pain, does not imply its completed verge, because their are those who stand for either, or less then completion, they do not dwell in the comnfort of all things but in the less of one thing, or the more of another.

Ren has decided the more averaged way, is that each mental thought is but another sense of the mind, she compares it to the idea of synesthesia and complete selective detachement of that ability, where the person and their sense of science, is a literal perceptive organ that is found outside the base five senses.

She explains this through the infinite, suggesting that senses are the result of stimuli from different sources that result in different perceptions, Dan senses hell and can see and experience it clearly while Verge experience Heaven by seeing it with another sensory neuron. She explains it as the destinction of the senses overwhelmed in the mind.

Thus the result is:

  • Our cravings control us as we shamble
  • Not all people are shambling, but see otherwise
  • The difference is in the detected stimuli
Distortion is therefore perceivable with the other senses and can be manipulated on the otherside of the wall.

Application of current theory of distortion:

  1. Using innacurate terminology of an object changes what it is.
  2. It appears entirely unreal, without substance of proof, but functional effect.
  3. The use of seperate relatible components provide extended use outside its relevance.
  4. Outer objects do not relate with the internal at all, but connect as would be expected.
  5. We apply them through willfull characterisation, through logical interaction.
  6. Observing their behaviors through external senses and follow them as willed.
An example of the practice follows:

This is a uncertainty collapsing computer, connected to all possible uncertainties, it provides a means to both turn on the appearence of something or turn it off, through the use of its on and off button and activation. One simply inserts the uncertainty in the white noise position, press the upper or lower button and it will cease to appear or continue to appear, the effect lasts until someone else uses the button or the red button is pressed in a queue.

Their are several more uses for this machine not known or discovered.

The entire computer could be built, but it requires knowledge of far more then the one that is simply used.

The symbol is in the video.


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