Mac, the one of Stimulation


Mac views the world hrough the lens of stimulation and reaction, as such he percieves the different effects of matter as its vital defining feature and hopes to  better understand how to manipulate the conventions of material behavior, he knows matter behaves according to defined properties and therefore suggests that this is its universal feature.

In working with the elements, does  he gain insperation in creating novel substances which he has a limited access to, such as mercury he can drink. He doubts however the simplicity in changing the properties of materials, and for this reason he has several alternatives relating to simulation, which is his reason of creativity.

He knows that nature behaves a certain way, but creates alternative physics for nature which he views as novel forms of behavior and with which he creates novel details of how matter functions, but also how matter is treated through those novel physics.

He also uses any form of virtual space for inaccessible portions and uses alternatives for production through that virtual environment.

He does this because he requires stimulation.

Metaphysics of Stimulation:

Mac creates metaphysics rather then having a single form from which he attains things, he uses artificial physical models to alter his perception at a degree of advanced complexity and below is an example of how he creates these physical systems which carry no objective proof but funtion more for entertainment and the illusion of study and use.

The essential feature is creating a metaphysical study, through the use of the visible observations of matter.

He usesa word as insperation for his essential levels of his study and thus each letter corresponds to a function that system.



Then he begins describing the various features of his system:


The four basic elements of this system and the their form are controlled by this feature, the extension, which divides each element into four shapes, which designate their kind and identifying feature:

  • Plastic = Dull = square
  • Glass = Sheen = circle
  • Fire = Furr = ublonc
  • Air = Smoke = triangle
* Ublonc means any shape not of the basic three, often represented by a fidget spinner shape.


The two parts to this basic system are composed and seperate, they decide whether the substance in question is divided like the air of the world, or solid like the plastic or class ( although a variety have the ability to change with condition )


These features divide into three types, which control the essential behaviors of the substance, they are:

  • Sand
  • State
  • Behavior
And their are numourous based off which is studied , they are stored in the following systems, but permit the control of them only through this anima portion.


Composed of two parts and a set of shades and color, this is the most complicated portion of our physics system and provide a different way to approach the fulll of  the substance, through the manipulation of color.

  • One would use the first set to discover what kind of state the substance is in, whether is is of the first four elements and whether it is composed or seperate.
  • One would use the second set to define whether something is of the current or shared behavior with another, through which the color and shade is different.

The uncertainty property wich produces the manifestation of the new substance through ritual arrangement, which permits the acquisition of novel substances. Used mostly for  attaiing this and the natural energy of the objects described in this study.

This is the basic concept of physical creation, but what can these things be used for?

Sciences of Stimulation

the ability for artificial metaphysics springs from the ability to manipulate matter according to some form of limitation and thus it is of a more novel interest that the behavior permits different interpretations of material things, through which different kinds of substances can be manipulated. For example, one can modify the substances through coincedental effecct in the one above, thus the object manifests when arranged through similar properties.

Manipulation involves studying the different portions of detail, and rearanging the concepts to create new substances that can then be used in other places to create different substantial objects, which provide some measure of entertainment. Through the manipulation of substance in different ways, do different substances manifest.

Further, he knows that with the help of Roro, he can create new substances with unique properties based of merging the other properties or create emulated properties using a computer.



Represents the ability to use the natural substances to create others in the mind.


Represents the artificiality of certain substances such that they create different utilities.


Represents wwhat can be built with the substancces creates and how they stimulate a group.


The fact that the substances are in a persons ability to perform their creation rather then the use of scientific absolutes.


The substance creates through the use of this tool for the use in world creation, which can be manipulated and modifyed according to the self.


The ability to create artificial stimulation and simulation.


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