Malu, who see's the Malum...

Character Opinion:

Malu percieves the world as a place of Malum, in which the views of anyone are composed of two parts, the thing they call the solution and the opponent to their solution, but Malu views this as a hypocrisy because every opinion has been rendered a problem by another opinion as such she considers all opinions to harbour a consequence.

However she notes that the ability she has to distinguish that consequence from the solution provided permmits a person to find the comfort they desire in the consequence and solution of their own life, rather then the consequence and solution of another. 

As a studier of knowledge Malu observes the ability she defines through study of texts in contradiction, such that the views of different perspectives teach the consequence of portions not in those books and provides a way for her to gain more knowledge of the problem and the solution.

An example of her process would be as follows:

  • A book about morality argues that morality is important because it provides a means to sustain the society in an organised fashion and the continued improvement of its morality makes life better.
  • A book about ammorality argues that morality is too limiting and that freedom comes from ones ability to act, while the unfortunate provides a means to reveal the measure from which consequence is laid down.
From this Malu learns two things:
  • Morality is limiting
  • Ammorality disorganizes society
She would then learn an improved view from that basic concept by inverting either concept into positivity as such:

  • Moality is the unlimited behavior though avoidance of disorgainastion.
She would then note that each person is able to choose which of the three following views is appropriate for themselves and thus provides a measure comfort rather then forced conversion to that that is not themselves.

She herself selects this concept as her opinion and thus she travels through the measures of the difference to learn rather select any specific perspective, prefering knowledge of different perspectives over single form perspective.


Malu views the world around her as a manifestation of the light, object and shadow, in which each object represents the person, the light their nobility and the shadow that which is behin them. She views the idea of light as the thing that guides the person and thus the symbolic and real guide to reality for the person, while the shadow is always behin them or couner to their light.

But she points out that the shadow is just as much a light as the light, because as transparency shows, their can be light in a shadow and the purpose of that shadow is to give something of difference from person to person, providing a means of forming behavior as they wish, even when many people could live in other circumstances by their own freedom alone. 

She also notes that sometimes different lights or shadows meet in different ways and seperate in other places implying a sense of greater commonality and difference between people then simply a single group of identical people. She provides this evidence simply by using light and shadow throughout the day and suggests further its ability to reflect as her own ability to reflect on her effects through her selected behavior.

Sciences of Light and Shadow:

Their are several things that can be done using light and shadow.
  1. One can manipulate the colors surrounding light and shadow to erase one or the other.
  2. One can manipulate lighting to create and envoke events through magic in diverse ways
  3. One can manipulate light and shadows to create computers which reflect the information inside
  4. One can manipulate light and shadow to encrypt information that is case and area sensitive.
Color can be manipulated through lighter or darker shades in the light or darkness to change the color of the light and thus make the light or shadow indestinguishable, however the effect is complex because if the object is moved it must be re-done, as such a measure of moving the colors must be developed through particulate technology.

Using the light to focus portions of magic can be useful for both beauty and the symbolic power of light can cause microscopic shifts in the light, espacially since it can be manipulated to create a different effect through the mani variables it creates. For example a candle spell requires a soft light to represent the activation of the spell.

Computers require a binary state, however light ad shadow while being the composed nature of that binary state based of position, can harbour a secondary state through which color the light is inside a dual shadow light and provide for this reason a measure of dual state programing, which while more complex may be more powerful if a use for it is discovered beyond that simple concept of data bit, it could further emmulate the states of qunatum mechanics which have more then one state at once.

using the positiion and lighting one can encrypt information in shadow and lighting of a room through the placement of the code throughout the room, such that it requires both the correct lighting and room to crack the enncryption, as well as potentially the time of day and the relative shape of the required object, this provides a means of creating some secretive set of information and more information is found in the video.

Symbols in image:

Horned sun and moon:

The problem in each perspective viewed by the other, which is no more real for the one who harbours the accusation, the measure through which people differentiate because of the diversity of both problem and solution in each perspective.

Rain cloud:

The darker perspective of Malu, whom views the full of realities opinions as something darker then they necessarily require and thus it rains only on her, without raining elsewhere, she doesn't mind the rain cloud and for this reason she stands beneath it.


The opponent concept of the raincloud, who perceives each perspective as noble and good, without shadow and without measure of what is considered a problem, for this reason it shines in the wrong place, because only in those wrong places are the problems made problematic, when the rest of timespace is not problematic.

Burning forest and City:

The difference in being between two places and the existence of problems in those places of similar but different kinds that can be just as much controlled as destroyed.Which produce the illusion of identical problems in other places when the same cannot be said of oven fires and lightning fires.

Best described as the consequence of misdesired events, rather then directtly related to the behaviors of others.

Skull necklace and paper:

Malu's enjoyement of the fearful, prefered in her then the things others enjoy and she holds it because it belongs to her and has no reason to offer it to the uninterested.

The  paper represents the search for more of this knowledge and the attainmment of both better behavior and the truth of different perspectives through knowledge of them.


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