Sala, the hyperconnective

Character opinion:

Sala views the world not from the perspective of one specific persective, but rather from the perspective of a connective idea, in which she takes to linking different opinions together in interaction to form greater connections and improve other perspectives through the interaction.


She views the world as a place where every idea is compatible and able to interact and can therefore be made in improvement with other perspectives, but she also thinks this is an optional feature, which permits one to choose who they wish to work with in creating more interesting perspectives.

Overall she percieves these things as something that can be used and that depeendent on the arrangement of the organisation, different results manifest through the work involved. She views several opinions to find the common thing they both seek that can be useful with either.

Application of ideas:

She can apply these concepts through manipulating the arrangement of different ideas, to provide somemanner of organised interaction which helps discover something novel for each character, through which she provides a new manner of creative manipulation.

If she arranges a topic with the first above the second, it is prioritising the first, but if she arranges them next to each other they are equal, this provides a means of interaction that is unique to different cases and can be useful for a variety of things.

However, this is best done through practice, which in this case is replacing the symbolic portion, because her perspective is less symbolic, more opinion driven.

Use in relation with friends:

Malu views the world as a place of many internal poles, for this reason she received the question of whether knowing is better then not knowing from Grim, who recieved this question in a letter, for this reason  she concludes that:

  • Knowing is sometimes less interesting then not knowing
  • Ignorance is sometimes more stressful then knowing
  • Something may be more interesting and more questionable in knowing
For this reason she wants to wonder over the question of the mind with matter.

Mac has created a physical study of reality, in which it is based of the word MATTER:
  1. Make: Stores the things the substance can be used for in objects
  2. Anima: Stores what can be used in magical practice through color and resemblence
  3. Time: Decay rate of the substance
  4. Tire: Result of decay rate of the substance
  5. Extension: Which of the four natural states of matter ( fire, water, earth, air )
  6. Relevance: The interaction between Make and Anima in the object
He feels that this could be made more indepth through knowledge of the mind

Roro, studies plor and wants to know how it is formed through physicality, for this reason she and Mac hope to disccover this through the work of eithers interests and the interests Malu has of Mind with Matter.

Deper, knows a little bit more of magic, in that its poles relate to it to some degree, through which the magic of the qualia is created  in relation to what it looks like, something with a more fire like appearence with have more of a fire like result. He suggests it also be related to the questions being pointed out.

Grim has studied other worlds and their interactions with his own through writing stories and mirroring them on his reality through comparison, he wonders too about the questions his friends have asked and for this reason he hopes to help through studying a world relevant at the distance of a comic.

Sala then takes these propasitions and notes that each is related to the mind, but each persons mind is unique and thus they must define their minds such that they can pperceive what the relationship between MIND and matter is.

Definitions of each mind:

Deper has an externalised polar mind, meaning he notes the difference of poles in reality, rather then internally in his mind, for this reason his mind is far more object oriented then others.

Malu has an internalised polar mind, she views internal ideas as different sets of poles with form higher poles and can be used to gain knowledge, she is far more subjective then others.

Mac has a subjective objective mind , void of polarity, he does not view existence as a set of different types but rather alternative feilds of objective subjective reality, which he interacts with.

Roro, has a ploric subject mind, she views reality not through the objective features, but the ploric ones and thus her world is seperate in observations from that of Mac, who sees properties.

Grim is internalised and cosmic, viewing reality as a set of many possible ones but lacks the bravery to find it, prefering the story as a wall between him and the other worlds for  safety.

Sala is internal but hyperconnective, meaning she views reality as many perspecctives that can interact to form different forms of behavior in relationship, she connects things internally.

Concluding this, I will begin making the comic and make updates to a signle post above this one.


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