
Showing posts from December, 2018

Dan, Verge and Ren

These are the passing thoughts I have encountered or discovered in depth across the first few days of living and the later memories of their events and interaction, they are not that which is the full of mine defined existence or lack thereof. It is made a different format, to producce a different effect and explore the relevance revealed after the character's introductions. Symbols lay at the end seperate, rather then with their practice and perspective and divided from the metaphysics wich shall spring not of single but of all three. These were the 2nd, 3rd and 4th character to be present in me. Dan Character opinion: Dan views the world as a place of deaths, where the  act of conviction is the tool of that death, which reveals both the truth of the world and the act of self transformation through its change of self to that of someone who is more right then the other. For this reason his view is all about debateand being the wisest, so that he is ruler of death and


Metaphysical Comic

Deper Below is more context and a utility for this topic: A model of Deper's mind. An example of an object with a fire polarity. The idea that the information is transfered from reality to mind Explained through conversion of real data into mental models The question of how manipulation works in counter direction Conclusion that connection travels in one direction through conversion It's usefulness springs from the manipulation of poles, in which a mind can deny entry, manipulate entry or accept entry of a pole connection, such that their are atleast three forms of utility in the converter between mind and matter aswell as matter and mind. This means the example can be argued as being a fire pole, denying it is and manipulating it to be an earth pole instead. This suggests the converter is free of its effects, rather then constrained to its supposed rules. Their may even be more then these basic interpretised conversions. Malu A model of Malu'

Sala, the hyperconnective

Image Character opinion: Sala views the world not from the perspective of one specific persective, but rather from the perspective of a connective idea, in which she takes to linking different opinions together in interaction to form greater connections and improve other perspectives through the interaction. Metaphysics: She views the world as a place where every idea is compatible and able to interact and can therefore be made in improvement with other perspectives, but she also thinks this is an optional feature, which permits one to choose who they wish to work with in creating more interesting perspectives. Overall she percieves these things as something that can be used and that depeendent on the arrangement of the organisation, different results manifest through the work involved. She views several opinions to find the common thing they both seek that can be useful with either. Application of ideas: She can apply these concepts throug

Grim and story worlds

Image Character opinion: Universes orbit surroundings through effect and one can measure their behavior through story writing and dreams, aswell as other forms of interaction. For this reason he uses story to see what takes place elsewhere in the clusters. For this reason it functions through convergence in time and space and is therefore examples of events taking place in real time, outside perceptive ranges. Metaphysics: Universes may have different forms of effect, but they are accessible through convergence and this is mostly the sole concept I wish to currently reveal, because memes are dangerous. I will however utilise this concept at a slightly later date, during an intermission of tthis project that follows the next character where more info will be made available. Science: Using a variety of random  creation, utilising diverse ideas in relation to create a story from point a to point b without planning the story accordingly, such tha

Deper, who makes the poles

Image Character opinion: Deper views the world as being made of poles through which things can be modified in a similar manner to Malu, since they both take to different concepts and can work well together, Deper believes the poles interact through different stylisations of objects and their utility. The overall use is modifying objects such that they resemble the defined pole. Metaphysics: Using poles is qquite simple, it provides a measure from which to alter an object towards the appearence of that pole, for example making an object more positive involves removing problems with the object, while making them more negative means adding more issues with the object. However poles are not solely based off the things called good and bad, but also anything in existence. For this reason the artistry of the subject is how it is formed and how it is made useful or otherwise in accordance with the desired pole. An essential science: The usage o

Mac, the one of Stimulation

Image Opinion: Mac views the world hrough the lens of stimulation and reaction, as such he percieves the different effects of matter as its vital defining feature and hopes to  better understand how to manipulate the conventions of material behavior, he knows matter behaves according to defined properties and therefore suggests that this is its universal feature. In working with the elements, does  he gain insperation in creating novel substances which he has a limited access to, such as mercury he can drink. He doubts however the simplicity in changing the properties of materials, and for this reason he has several alternatives relating to simulation, which is his reason of creativity. He knows that nature behaves a certain way, but creates alternative physics for nature which he views as novel forms of behavior and with which he creates novel details of how matter functions, but also how matter is treated through those novel physics. He a

Roro, The one who plors sight

Image Character Opinion: Roro beleives that different objects harbour two kinds of perceptual detail called qualia and plor, they behave seperately ( one in qualities given and the other in actual quality ) for this reason she has reason to beleive that while some plor and qualia are similar their is a distinctive difference between the appearence of different things that is wholly unrelated to the process of property, which controls its behaviors. These perceptual features are present in all the senses, and can even interact due to synesthisia, meaning certain people have extra-natural senses, which could be defined as a form of qualia modification. What is interesting about the plor is that it is unlike the qualia in one way, while qualia is a form given to the plor, plor is stable and sensorically universal. As such Roro beleives that all 5 senses permit the same information on the object. For this reason, Roro beleives that while a  blind pe

Malu, who see's the Malum...

Image Character Opinion: Malu percieves the world as a place of Malum, in which the views of anyone are composed of two parts, the thing they call the solution and the opponent to their solution, but Malu views this as a hypocrisy because every opinion has been rendered a problem by another opinion as such she considers all opinions to harbour a consequence. However she notes that the ability she has to distinguish that consequence from the solution provided permmits a person to find the comfort they desire in the consequence and solution of their own life, rather then the consequence and solution of another.  As a studier of knowledge Malu observes the ability she defines through study of texts in contradiction, such that the views of different perspectives teach the consequence of portions not in those books and provides a way for her to gain more knowledge of the problem and the solution. An example of her process would be as follows: